Season's Biddings
Season’s Biddings, DWPA’s Virtual Holiday Auction, runs through December 12th at 5pm. Support your local Democratic Women and shop the local site you trust:
The primary mission of DWPA is to provide support via scholarships to young Democrats as they move from high school to further their education. The largest fundraiser during 2020 was the Virtual Holiday Auction and over $6,000 was raised. We rely on your generosity to keep our program vital.
On the auction site, you will find over 70 items to bid on, from food, to gift certificates, to events, electronics, jewelry, and much, much more! In addition to bid items, you can choose to be "A Bluewave Sponsor" and donate $50 without having to bid or bring an item home. We also have three raffle baskets filled with delectable treats and beverages (each valued at over $40.00) - tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. The basket winners will be chosen at our Season's Bidding Finale Celebration on Sunday December 12 at 5pm. Join the celebration via ZOOM at
DWPA Monthly Meeting
Click here for meeting details and to attend online
November 2021 Drawing Opportunity
Tickets for the November 17, 2021 Opportunity Drawing are $10 each. You don't need to attend the November Meeting via Zoom at 1:00 pm to qualify for this drawing.
THE DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTING IS AT 3 PM ON TUESDAY, November 16. Purchase drawing tickets here.
The speaker for our meeting on November 17, 2021, is Debbie Nez-Manuel who is our Arizona Democratic National Committee Member. She has described herself as follows
"My ancestral and indigenous roots are from the Navajo Nation in Northern Arizona - among sacred mountains, medicinal plants, life-giving river waters and pristine skies. My lineage stems from a small community known as Klagetoh, and my childhood was shaped by many familial connections throughout the area.
"My determination to serve and give back to my community is derived from influences from a network of hard-working people within my community and was instilled in me at a very young age. This family network not only included traditional herbalists, ranchers, weavers, mill workers, silversmiths, teachers and attorneys, but it also included forty-one (41) veterans who served honorably in nearly every branch of the United States military. My lineage serves as a gentle reminder that my journey has been paved by a deeply rooted love for land, a way of life, and vibrant sense of community.
"I am Tséníjíkiní - a Navajo clan also known as the Cliff Dweller People. I am born for the Tsénahabiłnii, Sleepy Rock People. And I am the maternal grandchild of the Tsi'naajinii, Black Streaked Forest People and the paternal granddaughter to the Tábąąhí, Waters Edge People. As a Navajo, identifying our four clan relationships is the proper way we introduce ourselves to new faces."
In addition, she was featured in VoyagePhoenix magazine where she also talks about her life in six paragraphs. I found what she says about herself much more interesting than what others say about her, so that suggests that her talking with us on November 17th will be more interesting than anything I could write. She has a college education
I'll quote 3 paragraphs here starting with the question VoyagePhoenix asked, "Can you tell us a bit about how you got started?"
Debbie replied: "Ya’ahteeh! The literal translation for Ya’ahteeh is that things are well. ... Growing up in a remote area Klagetoh of Arizona and moving to Flagstaff and landing in Salt River Pima-Maricopa Community married has been a ride most would pass up. Not me. Through the matriarchs of the Tsenkinii clan, the Cliff Dweller People, I’ve learned my passion is being there for most on a human level. Being real, experiencing life. Being authentic is something hard to find in today’s world. ...
"Today, I am the Daughter of Arizona. I champion efforts that demonstrate that our voices matter. Too often, women of color, young women, or women who put in double and triple the effort are finding themselves outside of decision-making spaces. I’ve worn many hats. I’ve been a candidate a few times in Arizona for Senate, Representative, and choose to be involved in the political arena. Some refer to my role as a community leader, however, the title that means most is mom. I am a mother who raised three spirited young ladies that began to make their mark as early as their elementary and Junior high. All of the effort and dedication is rooted in life — nothing good ever comes easy.
"At the tender age of three, I lost my mother when she went missing (#MMIW) and did not learn the true details of what happened to her until 2003. I was 32 having my second child. These circumstances (her mother's death) sent me spiraling through so many homes between family, emergency foster care, and finally being placed in a home where incredibility a family truly did care about me the human. There were 17 plus years of challenging experiences that taught me how to overcome and I apply the life lessons in every aspect of the work I do today. Ao’ Ya’ahteeh – Yes, things are well."
The other 4 paragraphs are at
See for a range of interesting photos of Debbie and her work with people.
DWPA Monthly Meeting - Guest Speaker Raquel Teran, ADP Chair and Rep for LD30
Raquel will be speaking on the topic of Texas SB8, the unconstitutional abortion law, as well as the Voting restriction bill that Abbott signed into law, and how what is happening in Texas may influence Arizona.
Raquel Terán was born in Douglas, Arizona close to the Mexican border. Terán represents the residents of House District 30 in the Arizona House of Representatives and serves as the Chair of the Arizona Democratic Party.
Before she was elected to office, she was a community organizer who advocated for Arizona communities against the infamous SB1070 “show me your papers” law. For the last 14 years, she has been an advocate for civil, labor, immigrant, women’s rights, and health care for all.
AZ DEM Rural Council Conversation
Please join the Rural Council of the Arizona Democratic Party for a virtual conversation related to the issues of concern in our rural Communities.
League of Women Voters - Renewing Democracy: Ranked Choice Voting & More
In-person and Zoom options. Register through Yavapai Osher Life-long Learning Center. Free to the public. Yavapai College Sedona Center Room 34. See registration link below for both in-person and Zoom options.
DWPA Monthly Meeting - ZOOM ONLY
The featured speaker is Kris Mayes, a native Arizonan and former Corporation Commissioner who is running for Arizona Attorney General in 2022. During her time as an Arizona Corporation Commissioner, Kris worked to preserve Arizona’s increasingly threatened water resources by overseeing one of the largest expansions of utility water conservation programs in state history. She also worked as Janet Napolitano's press secretary on her 2002 campaign.
Toni Denis will also give us an update on the Arizona Federation of Democratic Women.
Purchase your 50/50 Opportunity Drawing tickets to benefit the DWPA Scholarship Fund HERE.
Stop Voter Suppression - Petition Signing
Stop by Yavapai Democratic Party Headquarters to sign the Referendum/Petitions
Monday- Friday from 11-3pm
Saturday August 21, September 4 and September 18 from 11-2pm
Yavapai County Democratic Party Monthly Meeting
RSVP and additional meeting information here.
PROTECT Campaign Kick-Off
Prescott Public Library Founder’s Room, 215 E Goodwin Street. Learn about and engage with the PROTECT Campaign which aims to obtain a climate agreement profile with the City of Prescott.
Independent Redistricting Commission Public Hearing
Main Location:
Yavapai College, 1110 E. Sheldon Street
Building 19, Room 147 (Community Meeting Room), Prescott
Two Satellite Locations:
Yavapai College, 4215 Arts Village Drive, Sedona
Congress Elementary School, 26400 S. Tenderfoot Hill Rd., Congress
Plan to attend!
We are asking you to take ACTION! The fight against gerrymandering is coming to Yavapai County! You can participate by testifying or just by being present.
Let us know you're coming by clicking HERE to sign up.
Arrive early (doors open at 4pm)
There will be no social distancing in seating (bring a mask if appropriate)
This will be the first in a series of IRC hearings across the state. On the 27th, those who testify will inform the Commissioners about our Communities of Interest*. Your community of interest is your community – it can be a neighborhood, network or group of people who have common interests who would benefit from being grouped into a single district.
Click HERE to read tips and suggestions about defining Communities of Interest
Click HERE to read the article "Redistricting Will Always Be Contentious. Ask Arizona." published by the The Center for Public Integrity on July 15, 2021.
This is our once-in-a-decade opportunity to make a major impact in the fight for fair elections. Fair elections cannot happen without fair congressional and legislative maps. We must keep gerrymandering OUT of Arizona!
Click HERE to register for a Community of Interest Workshop.
Do you find Redistricting overwhelming? If so, click HERE.
*Communities of interests are one of the six criteria the Independent Commission must consider in drawing new boundaries for congressional and state legislative districts - and it is the only criteria that depends on public input to get it right.
Virtual Kayaking Non-Event Fund Raiser
You may be dreaming of getting away or of a restful staycation to enjoy without leaving your couch to provide adventure in your life. Try some virtual kayaking on Watson Lake with Kelsey Wilkes.
For a minimum donation of $20.00 you will receive a video and picture montage from early morning kayaking on Watson Lake.
No need to pack water, a hat, or sunscreen.
No need to drive to Watson Lake
No need to pay the entrance fee.
No need to rent a kayak.
Just sit back and relax while enjoying virtually this kayaking adventure on video accompanied by beautiful piano and cello music, Etienne's Motorcycle (composed by Mary Lou Prince on piano and Cassie Olson on cello). Tickets may be purchased from July 26 - August 24.
One lucky donor will be picked at our August 25th DWPA "in-person" luncheon to receive "in-person" kayaking with Barb Jacobson the week of September 7th or as arranged with Barb for 2022. You do not have to be at the Luncheon to win. As always, all donations go to support our DWPA mission.
Rally & Sign to Protect Our Elections
Stop voter suppression laws, put an end to dark money in politics, and stop the new flat tax and other related tax laws. We need your help now! Sign the petitions (signing opportunity information below) and volunteer to help. Arizona Deserves Better and Invest in Arizona (formerly Invest in ED) each needs over 170,000 signatures in 90 days!
Petition Signing opportunities are scheduled across
Yavapai County on July 24! Find an event near you!
Prescott - Yavapai County Democratic Headquarters - 1555 Iron Springs Road - 11-3pm - Diane McQueen - 928-699-4308
Prescott - GPUUC - Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation (GPUUC) 882 Sunset Ave. - Rosemary Agneessens -, 11-3pm
Mayer -Vivian Perry - Home Event - Call for directions - 928-830-9165, 10:30-1:30pm
Cottonwood - Mike Cosentino - Driveway Event - 1130 South 8th Street, 11-3pm. Kat Ginzel
Sedona - DORR Headquarters, 105 Roadrunner Dr., Suite 2A. 11-3pm. Karen McClelland,
Drink Liberally - First In-Person Gathering!
Our first “in-person” meeting!!! Augie’s Restaurant, Frontier Village Center, 1721 AZ-69. Please RSVP here so we can get an estimated head count.
Prescott Frontier Days Parade Celebrating the Fourth
The Yavapai Democrats: entry 92, staging area 10 (on Pleasant Street between Sheldon and Willis).
1.) Banners and any signs are welcome. The group will stay behind your banner so you’re identified as DWPA. Each group representing some attachment to the Democratic Party will be assigned a side of the float to stay together as a group. For instance Indivisible will be joining us as part of the Democrats’ entry in the parade. Each will be representative of its own identity but also be supporters of the Democratic Party.
2.) Parking will be difficult since we’re not assigned parking areas. I suggest DWPA participants carpool and prepare to walk to the staging location. The streets in that area will be closed to traffic. The parade ends at the corner of Sheldon and Montezuma so many people park at the Depot Market Place. We’ll be gathering between 7 and 8 am for a 9 am departure. The Yavapai Democrats: entry 92, staging area 10 (on Pleasant Street between Sheldon and Willis).
3.) Please wear the DWPA t-shirts if possible, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, hats and anything patriotic.
4.) Those members unable to walk the distance of the parade route may ride on the float if there is room available. Please let me know in advance.
5.) No pets allowed. It’s too hot for dogs to be walking on the hot pavement or held riding on the float.
6.) The DWPA may distribute handouts such a miniature copies of THE BILL OF RIGHTS, US CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE or THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE during the parade but will have to keep up with the DWPA group. Do not handout candy, pins or other such items.
7.) Water will be provided along with light snacks such as granola bars etc. from the Yavapai Democratic Party.
CWAG's City of Prescott Virtual Council Candidate Forum
What are Prescott’s most important water issues? Are City Council candidates prepared to set water management policy? Hear what City Council hopefuls have to say at the 17th annual Candidate Forum on Water Issues hosted by the Citizens Water Advocacy Group (CWAG) via Zoom. Current Councilman Phil Goode and current Mayor Greg Mengarelli are vying for the mayor's seat. Candidates for the three open City Council seats are Steve Blair (incumbent), Jessica Hall, Jim Lamerson, Brandon Montoya, Eric Moore, and Grant Quezada. The primary election takes place on August 3. A regional conservation plan, long-range water sustainability, water without annexation, the proposed Big Chino pipeline and its impact on the upper Verde River, and arsenic in our water are among the topics to be discussed. When finalized, the questions will be sent to the candidates in advance and posted under "Current Issues" at .
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. For more detailed information, see the post under “Next Meeting” at or email
Get to Know the Candidates Forum
The Central Arizona Partnership, Yavapai Contractors Association and Talking Glass Media are hosting a City of Prescott Mayor and Council candidate forum at the Prescott Resort Main Ballroom, 1500 Highway 69. Doors open at 5 PM. More information about the candidates here.
DWPA Monthly Meeting Featuring Gary Beverly, CWAG President - Water In Prescott
One of the biggest issues in the upcoming City of Prescott election is our region’s water supply. Do we have enough? Can we support all the development that is occurring? What is happening with private wells and our water table? Gary will provide a brief presentation on the status of water in Prescott including some of the solutions we can consider to make this precious resource last. Join us for an informative discussion and get some of your questions answered.
Memorial Services and Reception for Dawn Knight
The memorial service for Dawn Knight, a prominent Arizona Democrat and one of DWPA’s founders will be held at 11 AM at the Church of Christ, 1495 E Rosser Street. Reception at 1 PM at the Best Western Prescottonian Conference Room, 1317 E. Gurley.
Prescott Area Move to Amend Meeting with Prescott City Council Candidate Eric Moore
The featured speaker will be Eric Moore* (, candidate for Prescott City Council, running for election in August. Move To Amend is interested in accountability and integrity in government--with the ultimate goal being a functioning, representative democracy, nationwide. Moore will discuss with us his views on how democracy can function right here in Prescott.
(* NOTE: Move to Amend does not endorse any candidate for any office.)